




Now that you have code to read in the population and electoral votes

of the states, it is time to write some code to process the outcomes.


We have written code to read in a file (such as USvotes1.txt or

SimpleVotes1.txt) that contains the vote counts for “Candidate A” in

the election (we’re going to assume there are only two candidates: A

and B) for each state.  Our code will put these into an array of

unsigned ints.  We will then pass these to your countElectoralVotes

method, along with the array of state_ts that we made from

repeatedly calling your parseLine method on the file describing

population/electoral votes (e.g., US_States.txt) and the number of

elements in each array (e.g., 51).  The items in the array will be

in the same order (for example, if Alabama is first in your array of

state_ts, then the vote count for candidate A will be first in the

array of vote counts).


Group Presentation

In groups, you are to introduce a new product. You will be assessed on following things:   Problem the product solves/Opportunity the product fills Target market for the product Explanation of the product and its unique selling proposition Price of the product Marketing communications Distribution strategy for the product

The weekly reflections will be graded on a 1-to-15 point scale based on specificity of the content (i.e., use of examples, elaboration of points made); critical analysis of the content and its relevance to the course theme; and articulation of personal opinion / insights. Submissions will be docked 50% of the total points possible if the post is received after 10pm or if the post does not include a discussion question. Submissions will be given zero if the post displays no evidence of student engagement with the topic and readings.